Quotes Compiled - Poland Proverbs are the very heart and soul of every language. Those simple sayings contain a truth about rules of conduct and about what is perceived as common sense in particular society. Handed down from generation to generation, they will also tell you a lot about ethnic experiences. https://www.verbling.com/articles/post/polish-proverbs-that-translate-well-or-not-to-english-5781d9e65c69247b005203ed Every time you feel being pulled into other people's drama, repeat these words... Nie moj cyrk Nie moje malpy. : Not My Circus Not My Monkeys --- Polish Proverb --- Proverbs in English --- https://proverbicals.com/polish : https://www.pinterest.com.au/kathy082000/polish-proverbs/ : https://www.pinterest.com.au/ciocianna/polish-proverbs/ Y -- A doctor will take care of the rich man; the poor man is cured with work. -- Worrying does not empty tomorrow of it's troubles. It empties today of its strength. -- When opportunity knocks, some people are in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. -- Fish, to taste right, must swim three times - in water, in butter and in wine. -- Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day. -- Who talks the truth, does not use a lot of words. -- The man who can't dance, thinks the band can't play! Y -- A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year --- Wiki --- https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Polish_proverbs -- Kto prawde gada, wiele slow nie potrzebuje. = Whoever tells the truth does not need many words. = Truth gives a short answer, lies go round about. -- Kuj zelazo, poki gorace. = English equivalent: Strike while the iron is hot. -- Lepiej pozno, niz wcale. = Better late than never. -- Lepsze jedno dzis, niz dwoje jutro. = Better one today, than two tomorrow. -- Lepsze imie dobre nizli bogactwa hojne. = A good name is the best of all treasures. -- Ludzi sluchaj, a swoj rozum miej. = Listen to people, but keep your own wits. -- Nie potrzeba ognia do ognia przydawac. = Don't add fuel to the fire. -- Nie pytaj starego, pytaj bywalego. = Do not ask the old, ask the experienced. -- Nie mow "hop", poki nie przeskoczysz. = Don't say 'hop/jump', before you have jumped. = Walk the walk, then talk the talk. -- Nowa miotla dobrze zamiata. = The new broom sweeps well. -- Od wymyslow jeszcze nikt nie umarl. = Hard words break no bones. = Nobody has died of inventions yet (.tr wrong) -- Przeciez sie nie pali. = We shall lose nothing by waiting. = It's not on fire. (tr wrong) -- Szewc bez butow chodzi. = The shoemaker goes barefoot. = The shoemaker's children are ill-shod (.tr wrong) -- Uwaga! Stary pies szczeka. = An old dog barks not in vain. = Attention! The old dog is barking (.tr close) --- Culture --- 9 of the best https://culture.pl/en/article/9-odd-phrases-poles-love-to-use --- Polish Blog --- https://blogs.transparent.com/polish/polish-sayings-powiedzenia/